Check Out The Range of Hygiene Services We Offer
Astral offer a Sharps Bin & sharps disposal service with various sizes of sharps containers available. Ideal for an ongoing hygienic environment for medical establishments, doctor’s surgeries, dentists, needle exchanges etc…
Allowing flexible fragrancing, the Air Freshener units we supply give you complete control, delivering a customised solution for all applications. All the units Astral us are easy to programme and is set set on a 30 day or 60 day service.
Water Management That Complies with Bye Law 83 – Dept for The Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Water Supply) Regulations 1999, schedule 2. Every Pipe that supplies water to a urinal must be fitted with a form of water flow control.
Professional Washroom Services For The Modern Business.
Astral Innovative Hygiene Specialists, Competitive Prices, Without Compromising on Efficiency or Reliability.
We’ve Moved, New Address – Unit 23a, Slough Business Park, 94 Farnham Road, Slough. SL13FQ.

Astral Hygiene are supporting Pancreatic Cancer Action and asking you to donate to help raise awareness and save lives.
You can help raise money for this great cause by donating directly to our fundraising page.
Click on the Donate button below to help raise awareness